Tips For Choosing A Great Neighborhood

Buying the right house for you might be at the top of your list, but the neighborhood is important too. Here are a few tips to consider: HOA and Property Taxes - these can actually vary widely between one area and the next so make sure to check them and if there is an HOA check the rules in advanced! Schools – we probably don’t need to mention this – if you have kids or are planning to, then you probably already have this in mind. Neighbors – this can be a little tricky but it’s a good idea to get a feel for your neighbors. You may want to try an old fashioned hello and ring the doorbell of a neighbor and introduce yourself. Area Attractions – this can…
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Getting a Mortgage If You’re Self-Employed

Being self-employed is great - you're your own boss but when it comes to getting a mortgage secured, its a slightly different process than traditional mortgages. It often comes with additional requirements and red tape. Here are some tips to help you get organized and approved if you’re self employed. Apply for a mortgage when your income is up (we know this is easier said than done) but lenders will look at your last two years income most closely, and if you’re income fluctuates its best to apply on an up year. This can help you qualify for a greater loan amount and lower interest rate. Get That DTI lower, your debt-to-income ratio is one of the key factors in getting approved. So you’ll want to try to pay down…
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